join US FOR Group prayer
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16b
Our group prayer sessions are meant for remembering our loved ones and feeling a closer connection to the Lord. Lead by one of our ministers, you can take as active or as passive a role as you wish.
The purpose of the group prayer is to help you overcome any negative emotions and ultimately find peace in His words.
If you have any questions or need any additional support. Our church community is built on trust, and you’re free to join any other activities at your own pace.
Can't wait for Wednesday or need private prayer now?
Call or text us with your contact information and one of our Ministers will reach out to you by phone as soon as possible and have prayer with you!
Every Wednesday Night, 7:00pm
On our Conference Call Prayer Line:(339)207-6171
Request a prayer
You can request a prayer on your own or on someone else’s behalf. If you wish, your prayer can be anonymous.

There's Power In Prayer! Let's Pray Together.
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