Mt. Zion Christian Methodist Episcopal Church has served as a lighthouse, soul-saving station and spiritual hospital for men, women and children in the Soundview community and surrounding areas since May 1962.

     We are committed to bring people into the knowledge of Jesus Christ by precept and example. It is our duty and responsibility to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and live our lives according to His Word.

     Mt. Zion and the community have formed a partnership of growing together in love and working together in unity to improve the quality of life for all the people in the neighborhood. We have a shared vision of love, peace and safety on our streets for all of our neighbors and are blessed to have a diverse community of God’s people sharing our values, customs and cultures with each other.

     It is our goal to win souls for Jesus Christ. John 12:32 reminds us, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men (men, women, children) unto me.” We can reach this goal through Worship, Evangelism, Spiritual Growth and Discipleship. We must preach the Gospel of Salvation to all humankind, provide community services as we feed, clothe and house the needy and maintain a strong bond of fellowship with our community. As we do these things, our love for God, Church and the Community will constantly grow and bring us an awesome peace of mind and spiritual happiness.

“Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below.

Praise Him above ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.”


“I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together.”

Psalms 34:1, 3